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Arab Before Islam History Part 3

A-Mali | Arab Before Islam History Part 3 - After Emperor letter to Najasyi hand, he sends along the Yemeni people - who brought the letter - an army under the command of Aryat (Harith) and Abraha al-Asyram one of his soldiers. Aryat invaded the Kingdom of Yemen on behalf of the Abyssinian ruler. He ruled Yemen until he was killed by Abraha who then replace the position. This Abraha who led an army of elephants, and he who later invaded Mecca to destroy the Kaaba but failed, as will be seen later in the following chapter.

Children Abraha then master Yemen with arbitrary action. Seeing the disaster that so long upon the inhabitants, Saif ibn Dhi Yazan go about to meet the Byzantine Emperor. He complained about it to him and told him that sends another ruler and Romanic to Yemen. But because of the partnership agreement between the Emperor Justinian with Najasyi he may not be able to meet the demand Sayf ibn Dhi Yazan it. Therefore Saif leaving the Emperor and went to see Numan bin'l-Mundhir as the Governor who is appointed by D'Andrea for Hira and the surrounding area in Irak.3

Arab Before Islam History Part 3
Nu'man ibn Dhi Yazan and Saif together came to D'Andrea Parvez. At that time he was sitting in the reception room (Iwan D'Andrea) are magnificently decorated by paintings on the throne of the Milky Way. In this section where winters are surrounded by veils of luxury fur once. In the middle of it hanging lamps made kendil than silver and gold and filled with fresh water. On top of that throne is decorated with a large crown ruby, crystal and pearl gold and silver strappy, hung with chains of gold anyway. He himself wore wore gold. Everyone who enters the place will feel fascinated by its grandeur. Similarly, Saif ibn Dhi Yazan.

D'Andrea asked the purpose of his arrival and told me about atrocities Saifpun Abyssinia in Yemen. Even though at first D'Andrea Parvez hesitant, but then he sends troops under the leadership also Wahraz (Syahrvaraz?), A Persian noble family the most daring. Persian has got the victory and the Abyssinian can be expelled from Yemen that has been occupied for 72 years.

Since then, Yemen was under Persian rule, and when Islam was born across the Arab region under the auspices of the new religion. However, foreigners who have mastered Yemen was not directly under the rule of the King of Persia. Mainly it happened after Syirawih (Shiruya Kavadh II) kills his father, D'Andrea Parvez, and he himself occupied the throne. He imagined - with the petty mind that the world can be controlled at will and that his kingdom to help meet the wishes that have been lost in the pleasures of life. Problems kingdom that does not get a lot of attention because he had taken his own passions. He went hunting in a luxury that has never happened but went accompanied by noble young men dressed in red, yellow and violet, surrounded by the escort-accompaniment that brings the eagle and tiger that has been tamed and closed muzzle; by slaves who brought the perfume, the repellent-repellent flies and music players. In order to feel himself in a real atmosphere of spring even in severe winter, he and his entourage sat on the wide tapestry painted with alleys, fields and gardens planted with flowers of different colors, and motivated by the bushes, green forest and silvery rivers.

But even though Syirawih so far followed the pleasures, the Persian empire retains its grandeur, and remains a strong contender against Byzantine rule and the spread of Christianity. Even with rising throne Syirawih has reduced the glory of his kingdom, he was offered an opportunity for Muslims to enter the country and spread Islam.

Yemen has made rink contention since the 4th century was in fact has left deep scars in the history of the Arabian Peninsula in terms of the distribution of the population. Mentioned that the Ma'rib Dam by tribal Himyar been utilized for the benefit of his country, has been hit by devastating floods also destroyed. Caused by the presence of persistent conflict, the lalailah they should always supervise and maintain it. The dam was obsolete and no longer hold back the flood resistant. It is said also, that after the Romanic look Yemen became the center of conflict between the Persian empire and that trade is threatened because of the opposition, he is preparing his fleet crossed the Red Sea - between Egypt and the countries of the far East - in order to attract trade needed by the country. Thus no longer need it on the road caravan.

Regarding events, historians agree, but about the incident because they are different opinions. The event is about the movement of tribes Azd in Yemen to the North. All of them agree on the move, even if some of connecting with lonely several cities in Yemen because of the withdrawal of the usual trade through that place. The other connection between the destruction of the Ma'rib Dam, so many of the tribes that moved for fear of perishing. But whatever happened, but the existence of this immigration has led to Yemen so in touch with other Arab countries, a descendant relationship and mixing, which is still trying by scholars investigating.

If the political system in Yemen has become chaotic as we can see, which is caused by circumstances that befell the country, and maketh it the fray, then a similar political structure was not known in some other countries of the Arabian Peninsula at that time. All sorts of systems that can be regarded as a political system like the sense we are now or as understanding the countries that have been developed at that time, in areas such as Tihama, Hijaz, Najd and along the vast plains covering the Arab countries, such understanding it is not yet known. Country boy at that time even until now is unusual inland population in the cities. They are not welcome to stay settled in one place. They know only nomadic always, move looking for pasture and follow his heart's desire. They do not know any other way besides odyssey live it.

As well as in other places, here too it is the basis of life odyssey tribes. The tribes were always moving and wandering was not familiar with the regulations or ordinances as we know it. They only know the personal freedom, freedom of families and tribes full freedom. Being the city, in the name of discipline budge and removing most of their independence for the benefit of society and the authorities, in return for the tranquility and luxury of their lives. Being a wanderer does not care about luxury, not happy with the peace of sedentary life, also not attracted to anything - such as the expectations of the wealth of the city - in addition to absolute freedom. He just wants to live in full equality with members kabilahnya other tribes or neighbor. Basic life is like other creatures, would survive, would hang on so in accordance with the rules of honor that has been implanted in a wandering life that completely free of it.

Therefore, the nomads do not like action injustice inflicted upon them. They would fight it tooth and nail, and if unable to resist, the abandonment of their residence, and they wandered again to the entire peninsula, when it had to be so.

Also that is why, war is the most convenient way for these tribes must also arise when a dispute that is not easily resolved in an honorable manner. Because of the innate as well, there is growing among most of the tribes that the properties of self-esteem, courage, like mutual help, protect neighbors and forgiveness wherever possible and such. These properties will be even stronger if the closer he is to the interior life, and will increasingly be lost if the closer he is to the life of the city.

As we mentioned, because of economic factors as well, both Byzantine and Persian, just feel attracted to Yemen any other of the peninsula that is unwilling to submit it. They prefer to leave the country rather than submit to the command. Both individuals or tribes would not obey any rules that apply to any agency or authority.

The properties odyssey was quite affecting small areas that grow around jaziarah due to the caravan trade, as we have already explained. These areas are used by traders as a place to rest after a trip that is so exhausting. There they met with places of worship of the gods in order to gain salvation for them and keep the distress of the Sahara and expect their trading safely reached their destination.

Cities such as Mecca, Ta'if, Yathrib and similar it like oasis-oasis (oasis) scattered in the crevices of the mountains or the desert, influenced also by the properties of such wanderings. In the arrangement of the tribes and their branches, temperament life, customs and hatred against everything that restricts freedom is closer to the way of life of the interior than the ways in town, even if they are forced by something sedentary way of life, which is certainly not the same as -life way inland. In talking about Mecca and Yathrib in the following article will look a bit more detail.

Thus the natural environment in this community as well as the state of moral, political and social that is on them, have the same effect on how theists. Seeing his relationship with Christianity Byzantine and Persian Zoroastrians, is there Yemen can be affected by both religions and also affect the two religions in the Arabian peninsula more? It also comes to mind, especially in regard to Christianity. Christian mission that existed at the same time as they are now loyal to the propagation of religion. Understanding the influence of religion in the soul as well as the nomadic way of life is not the same as the town. In the life of the nomadic people interact with nature, he felt the presence of the infinite beings in all its forms. He felt the need to set up a way of life between himself and nature with the clack-limits of that. As for the town clack-infinity was already covered by the busy day-to-day, by the protection of society against him in exchange for his freedom granted in part to the public, as well as his willingness to submit to the law authorities in order to obtain guarantees and rights protection. It is caused not feel the need to relate to the outside authorities, with the forces of nature that is so devastating to human life. Soul relationship with the natural elements around it to be reduced.

In this same situation, whether Christians have been obtained with such great activities since the early centuries in spreading the teachings of his religion? Perhaps because there is only going to get it if not for the presence of other problems that led to the Arab countries, including Yemen, remain on paganisma religion of their ancestors, and only a few tribes are willing to accept Christianity.

Manifestations of civilization the world's most obvious at the time - as we have already seen - centered around the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Religions Christian and Jewish neighbors so close around the place. If the two do not show hostility which means, also did not show meaningful friendship anyway. The Jews then and until now still mention their disobedience and resistance Jesus to their religion. Silently they work would stem the flow of Christianity that has driven them out of Palestine, and that is still sheltering under the banner of the Byzantine Empire that stretched wide.


3 Some of the information in the history books differ on the causes stampede Abyssinia (Habasya) is to Yemen. The statement said that the trade relations between the Arab Musta'riba in Hijaz with Yemen and Abyssinia continues. At that time the beaches stretching along the Red Sea Habasya complete with its trading fleet. Due to the richness and fertility, eager to master the Byzantine Empire Yemen. Aelius Galius ruler (prefect) Byzantine Emperor in Egypt held a preparation. will invade Yemen. Troops deployed across the Red Sea to Yemen and also attacked Najran. But because of the diseases that attack them. People Yemen's easy to drive them and they return to Egypt. After that too Rumawõ consecutive strike the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen and outside Yemen, but the reality is not more profitable and aQuantive Galius. When it Najasyi in Abyssinia felt the need to repay the Yemeni who had forced the Jewish religion against those people Byzantine Christian. Aryat deployed troops invaded Yemen and powerful in that place until the time of the Persian come to drive them.

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